Respecting the client’s Dignity and Right
Coaches/ Trainers and Mentors will take upon themselves to treat each individual client with the dignity and respect they deserve, regardless of the client’s state, religious and/or cultural background, and those of the coach/ trainer and mentor.
The Coach/ Trainer and Mentor should at all times recognize and respect the client’s biases, believes, needs and values as authentic and unique without judgment and the client’s right to autonomy, privacy, and confidentiality.
Coaches/ Trainers and mentors grant the needed respect to the fundamental rights, dignity, and worth of each individual client.
Furthermore, they will fully respect the individual rights and boundaries including privacy, confidentiality, self-belief, and personal freedom, keeping in mind that there are legal and other obligations which may lead to potential conflict should they be ignored.
Coaches/Trainers and Mentors seek to learn more about cultural, individual, and life role differences, including those age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status, etc.
Coaches/ Trainers and Mentors try to diminish to a minimum the effect of any work biases they have and eliminate them totally.