1.1. The Code is created and utilized by coaching/ training and mentoring community members because they accept to adhere to the rules, regulations, exemptions, and restrictions in a way that is beneficial to the coach/ trainer and mentor and the client. It’s a two-way benefit.
The Code of Ethics is focused for all professional members of the PCG Ltd., consisting mainly of a set of declarations which set the minimum standards of practice to be observed by coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members. The Code of Ethics should be believed in and followed from the heart.
The coach/ trainer/ mentor and member activities will also be assessed according to the Code Standards as part of their work function.
1.2. Relationship of Ethics in accordance with the Country Laws
The Country Law always comes before the PCG ltd., ‘code of Ethics of course, the ethical part should always be adhered to the best of the coach’s/ trainer’s / mentor’s and the members’ ability.
The coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members should not under any circumstances commit any illegal or unlawful activities which also include copyright, intellectual property rights, or patent violations.
1.3. The Coaching/ Training/ Mentoring and Members Professional Relationship.
Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members will only carry out their professional services in the framework and context provided by the PCG Ltd., ‘s professional standards.
The coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members will provide the clients with the ability to trust them and to ensure that they take the client’s needs with full responsibility and integrity.
1.4. Coaching/ training/ mentoring and membership competencies
A coach/ trainer/ mentor and member will never claim to a competence or expertise they do not possess and will always be truthful about the level el of competence and expertise not possessed, and will at all only apply the knowledge and expertise that one he/ she is capable of.
Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members will always only provide services within their area and level of knowledge and expertise, based on their education, training, competence and relevant professional experience. Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members can and should only accept clients whose situation they are competent to deal with.
1.5. Perpetuating Knowledge, Growth and Expertise
Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members should maintain a professional level of awareness of the most current news and trends in their profession as well as their specific field, as well as keep abreast with all the competencies and skills and growths to be able to constantly reach and maintain the highest professional levels of knowledge, expertise and application for optimal results.
Coach/ trainers/ mentors and members to keep themselves up to date on new technologies, software, techniques, practices, legal requirements and standards that constantly come up in the coaching/ training/ mentoring and members fields.
1.6. The Utilization of Coaching/ training/ mentoring and membership Services
When coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members provide services, (inclusive of any assessments used), to an individual, a group, or an organization, they use language that is easily understandable to the clients who are using these services.
When coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members will be prevented by law to provide the information about a client by any other means from providing such information to particular individuals or groups, they so inform those individuals or groups at the beginning of the service.
1.7. View and Personalities of others.
Respect for each individual client is a very important milestone in any coaching/ training/ mentoring and membership relationship with the client(s).
In their work practice related activities, coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members should always respect the rights of others to have needs, views, values, attitudes, beliefs and opinions that are different from theirs.
1.8. Any Kind of Discrimination
In all work practice related activities, coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members do not engage in any kind of indiscrimination for whatever reason.
1.9. Harassment.
Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members will never knowingly engage in any time of in any way behavior that is harassing or demeaning to clients/ colleagues or anyone else they interact with in a work setting.
Physical harassment of any type or level in any situation, as well physical advances in any shape or form, verbal or nonverbal harassment like and behavior being in any way physical in nature.
All Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members must make sure that their behavior is at all times appropriate and can in no way be defined as any kind of harassment.
1.10. Issue and Conflicts of a Personal Nature.
Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members must realize that they may also experience personal issues/ problems which may in turn extend to the coach/ trainer/ mentor and member behavior, hence causing an adverse/ negative outcome on the relationship between coach/ trainer/ mentor and member and the client.
Furthermore, coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members have a professional responsibility to watch out for any signs of, and to secure help in order to resolve their personal issues/ problems early on, in order to at an early stage, in order to prevent it affecting the coaching/ training/ mentoring and membership relationship with the client.
In coaching/ training/ mentoring and memberships, the professionals must be aware of their own personal issues/ problems and to prevent them in interfering with their professional performance and the desired outcomes for the client.
If the coach/ trainer/ mentor and member are not in a position to take the appropriate measures to deal with them, then they should suspend all professional activities and interactions with the client until they do so.
1.11. Making Assessable Progress.
Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members the necessary professional steps to make sure that the client’s needs/ dreams and goals are reflected in their timely progress.
Should there be no progress fort any reason, the coach/ trainer/ mentor and member should do their utmost to cause no harm on any level to the client.
1.12 Misuse of Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members effect on the client.
Usually, the coaches’/ trainer’s/ mentor’sand members professional decisions and assessments affect the lives of the client in some way. Therefore, they should always watch out for personal, financial, social, organizational, or political factors that might lead to misuse of their effect in any way at all.
1.13 Misuse of Coaches’/ trainers/ mentor’s and membersprofessional approach.
(a) Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members should not be part of any activities, using their professional skills and tools in a way that might be misused by others/ client.
(b) Should a coach/ trainer/ mentor and member understand that there has been/ is a misuse or misrepresentation of their strategies, ethics, they should take professional steps to stop that practice right away and minimize any effect of it.
1.14 A Conflict of Interest.
(a) A coach/ trainer/ mentor and member should abstain from taking on any professional duties at a time when prior relationships are likely to create any conflict of interest.
(b) However, should a coach find out that there could emerge a possible conflict of interests, the coach/ trainer/ mentor and member should do his level best to resolve the issue at hand in a way that the best interests of all parties involved are met in resonance with compliance to the Pgs. Code of Ethics.
1.15 Negotiations.
Coaches/ trainers/mentors and members are allowed to participate in any negotiations only if the coach/ trainer/ mentor and member relationship is honest and straight forward.
Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members have the right to negotiate for accepting goods, services, or other non-monetary reimbursement as fees for coaching/ training/ mentoring and membership servicesas long as it abides by the laws of the country.
1.16 Misusing Relationships.
(a) Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members are not allowed to exploit any person with whom they are in a contractual, professional relationships with whom they may have a leading role.
(b) Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members should by no means engage in physical relationships with clients, and coaching/ training/ mentoring and members with whom the coach/ trainer/ mentor and member have an evaluative authority or leadership role, because such relationships are highly exploitative.
1.17 Coaching/ training/ mentoring and membership referrals.
On occasions, when conditions require it, and professionally required and appropriate, coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members can work in alliance with other professionals in order to serve their client effectively and appropriately.
1.18 Outside Solicitation for professional Coaching/ training/ mentoring and membership
(a) Once a coach/ trainer/ mentor and member accepts to take on a client, individual or a group, etc., and provide a service at the solicitation by an outside party, the coach/ trainer/ mentor and member should always clarify the extent to which they are willing to go in providing the services to the extent possible and acceptable, at the very beginning of the type of the service should be clearly outlined between each party involved.
This clear outline of the relationship should be explained and discussed in detail, including the role of the coach/ trainer/ mentor and member and the client (individual and/ or corporate, etc.,
The explanation should include a clear outline of the services provided, information revealed, and the clear outlines about confidentiality from all parties involved.
(b) If there is a foreseeable risk of the coach/ trainer/mentor and member being requested to perform conflicting roles because of the involvement of a third party, the coach clarifies the nature and direction of his or her responsibilities, keeps all parties appropriately informed as matters develop, and resolves the situation in accordance with this Ethics Code.
1.19 Assignment and Management of Subordinates.
(a) Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members assign their employees, and assistants only those responsibilities, that the people given the responsibilities can handle in a reasonable, safe professional and experienced way; according to their education, specialization, knowledge and experience, either on their own or with interactive management being provided at all times.
(b) Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members should, at all times assure provide proper training and management/ mentoring for their employees and undertake practical steps to see that the assigned is being carried out responsibly, safely, professionally and ethically.
1.20 Data and Statistics Information Administration.
(a) Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members create, maintain, circulate, disseminate, backup, store, and/ or dispose of records as required, and based upon the particular practice of the coach/ trainer/ mentor and member, as well as depending on the country law.
(b) Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members are asked to properly document and file their work, to be able to provide the best service ever as well as to be able to provide services at a later time, either by them or colleagues or other professionals, to ensure responsibility and accountability, and to meet all legal requirements of the country.
1.21 Payments and Financial Organization.
(a) As the very beginning of a professional coaching/ training/ mentoring and membership relationship, the coach/ trainer/ mentor and member with the client, or other appropriate body of coaching/ training/ mentoring and membership services reach a mutual agreement, detailing the financial reimbursement and the payment arrangement for those services.
(b) Coaches / trainers/ mentors and members do not take advantage of any client;not do they change fees or give illogical prices.
(c) If there are any foreseeable restrictions to the services provided to the client, because of finance issues, it should be promptly discussed at the very beginning of the professional relationship and a common ground be reached with an amicable decision that works for all parties.
(d) IN case the client does not pay for the services rendered, does not pay for the services received as agreed, and should the coach/ trainer/ mentor or member want to use collection agencies / legal way to collect what they are owed, the coach/ trainer/mentor and member must first informs the client that such measures will be taken and gives the client another chance to pay.
1.22 Precision of Service Description for Clients.
Coaches/ trainers/ mentors and members should accurately state the type of service provided, agreed duration and agreed fees.
1.23 Referral Charges.
When a coach/ trainer/ mentor and member pays, receives payment from, or divides fees with another professional, different that that between employee and employer,the payment to each one should be wither based on the services (referral, consultative, administrative, or other) provided, and should be agreed upon before the beginning of service.